Guidelines for css utility classes

1 min read

Never override them

Avoid CSS where the utility class is overridden. For example, overriding with a child selector.

.navigation-bar .box-shadow-lg {
  box-shadow: 0px 4px 17px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

You want them to be predictable everywhere you use them.

A warning sign for breaking this rule is when a utility class is referenced twice throughout your CSS files.

Never change them

You might not know in every combination of classes that a utility class is used with. So changing the properties on a class might lead to unexpected changes in some locations.

They should do one thing

Doing one thing makes them easily composable with other utility classes.

Higher specificity by default

Add them after all other CSS so they have higher specificity by default than other classes. Adding them last gives them a higher specificity from the CSS cascade.

You might also want to include any utility classes that have media queries at the very end. I wrote another article exploring that idea.

Use consistent naming

I think tailwind has some memorable names for its classes. If you're not using tailwind for your utility classes you might want to just use it for naming inspiration.

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